Access to Education Podcast

Access to Education

Delphine Rule
Access to Education podcasts is a series of episodes focusing on Special Education and the needs of those students. Topics from Dyslexia, Autism, Processing Disorders and how to support. From everyday parents to expert guests you'll be able to find connections and insight. If you are feeling overwhelmed and alone with your own journey or that of your child this is your place.
Dr. Michelle - Gut Health and the Brain
Jun 15, 2021
39 min
Highs and Lows
When you thinking of students with learning differences we don't often take time to consider students who are demeaned to be Gifted. These students tend to fall under an umbrella of Special Education where assume they can be successful no matter where we 'place' them in schools.Today on the show I talk with Emily Edwards, owner of The Good Birth Co.. Together we talk about what school was like for her. Though one often doesn't see the challenges they must over come, Emily talks openly about what she wishes teachers and peers saw. Her need to learn to lead, to not just be smart but be able to lead a group. She did find support in teachers who challenged her lead big and small things. These experiences shaped who she is today.In our conversation Emily also opens up about one of children who struggled to begin speaking. Looking at learning challenges from a different side of things. As a mother she was not always ready for the outcome. She has gained strength from her knowledge and supports her child through this time.To learn more about Emily and her work with pregnancy and beyond check out her web page The Good Birth Co.Are you looking for help and support for your child with learning needs? Check out Access to Education for our services to see how we help families navigate through this challenging time. From in-depth work on your child's Individual Education Plan to guiding you through the process Access to Education is here to support you. Check out our SERVICES page to book a call now! 
Jun 1, 2021
42 min
Support Students with Hearing Impairment
Schools can be loud. Schools can require you to hear what is happening the classroom and if you have a hearing impairment things can be tough.Today on the show I talk to Rhonda Tepper, a teacher and member of deaf and hard of hearing community. She has spent much or her teaching career support students with hearing impairment. Together we discuss how parents, teachers and other professionals can learners in the classroom.To learning more about Access to Education and I work with families to provide support please check out my web
May 25, 2021
50 min
Nutrition and Brain Health
We all know that what we eat can have an affect on our development and function while trying to learn. On this episode we talk to nutritionist Nishta Saxton about all things food.From reading labels to talk about about vitamins we talk about it all.What is your greatest issue with food and your children? It's never easy to ensure we are always to doing the right thing. Have a listen to what Nishta feels is important when it comes to food.What to contact Nishta? Check our her web page: learn more about Access to Education and how I support families check out my web page
May 11, 2021
46 min
Music Therapy
Do you know how music therapy can help support neurodivers child? This week on the podcast a conversation with Cheryl-Lee Campbell, a music therapist in East Toronto. She is the owner of East Toronto Music Therapy. Cheryl-Lee works with children with Autism, ADHD, anxiety and other learning challenges. In her work she helps to support her clients work on specific goals.Take aways from our conversation:- Music therapy helps work on goals that are not music related- Music can help engage children in learning and seeking engagement- Therapy session can work on goals such as strengthening, listening, self-regulation- Therapists can work with both verbal and non-verbal childrenWant to learn more about Cheryl-Lee and her work? Check out her webpage:East Toronto Music TherapyAre you looking for help and support for your child with learning needs? Check out Access to Education for our services to see how we help families navigate through this challenging time. From in-depth work on your child's Individual Education Plan to guiding you through the process Access to Education is here to support you. Check out our SERVICES page to book a call now! 
Apr 27, 2021
27 min
Journey Through Love
On this episode a conversation with Amina about her families struggle to understand her daughters needs. After adopting in 2010, after waiting through highs and lows, Amina and her husband were finally given a gift. A daughter.This gift came with challenges unforeseen. Listen to hear how Amina and her family came to understand her daughters ADHD, FASD and Anxiety Disorder. 
Apr 13, 2021
44 min
Playroom Fabulous
This weeks episode is all about children and play! As parents we all know how important play is to our children. From imagination to motor skill development it all has an impact.But, how is your play space organized? Is it able to cater to your child and their needs? In this episode I am talking to Connie a teacher and playroom expert. Together we talk about play from engagement to developing play skills. Play isn't just about being in an activity and playing it's about so much more.Key Concepts:- Ideas of how to set up a play space- Play if for all children, no matter their ability- The ideas of different play items create great ability for growing and learning.To learning about Connie and what she does check her web page:Connie Huson Playroom ConsultantBook recommendations:Simplicity Parenting - Raise Calmer, Happier, and more Secure Kids - By  Kim John Payne and Lisa M. RossTed Talk:Sir Ken Robinson - Do Schools Kill Creativity
Mar 30, 2021
28 min
Communication Skills Difficulties
Does your child struggle to communicate their thoughts or ideas? Not sure how to support your child with a learning difference with understanding social cues?In today's episode I am talking to Allie, a Speech and Language Pathologist. She works with families to support their understanding of communication skills and better support children in their own skills.Allie takes us through what a Speech Language Pathologist does and how they work together with other professionals to support the development of language, both oral and non-verbal communication. The biggest take away from the episode is how Speech Language Pathologists can work with children from birth. Also they don't just help support speaking, they can help support with all things having to do with communication, both verbal and non-verbal. You can find out more about working with Allie by checking out the following links below:Express Yourself Speech - Her personal webpagehttps://expressyourselfspeech.caThe Speech and Stuttering Institute https://www.speechandstuttering.comThe Red Oak Centerhttps://www.theredoak.caBook recommendations made by Allie:Aiden Goes to Speech - by by Lisa MortensenSammy goes to speech -  by Marissa SiegelWe Thinking Social Stories Julia Cook Books 
Mar 16, 2021
30 min
Supporting Your Child with ADHD
Today's show is a little different from the usual one. Today I have with me, a friend Camilla,  and we have met through a Facebook group cause that's what we do these days.She has a son who has been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). She's got a really great story to share with you and I thought it would be a fun change on the show to talk to another parent, to get their perspective, to hear their story. Because as you're listening to this, I want you to know that you are not alone.You are not in this journey on this road by yourself. There are lots of us who have done this already and are still going through it. And we would like to share our story. I'm super excited for you to hear this story.If you are looking for support with your student from IEP to resources check out Access to Education for more information on how I can support you. Together we can build your road map to success.
Mar 2, 2021
34 min
Attachement Parenting
Join me today in conversation with Julia where we discuss attachment parenting it's role in supporting our children. Not only we discuss attachment parenting but we talk about the role of Social Workers in helping navigate the Special Education System.Julia is the owner and operator of Attuned Families. She is a social worker who works with families to help them strengthen connections and understanding.Check her webpageAttuned FamiliesIf you are looking for support with your student from IEP to resources check out Access to Education for more information on how I can support you. Together we can build your road map to success.
Feb 16, 2021
32 min
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