A Seat at the Table Podcast

A Seat at the Table

Seat Ladies
5 young women of color from North of Chicago discussing relevant trendy topics, in hopes to raise awareness and provide thoughtful insight to real-life issues. We may make you laugh, we may make you cry, but hope to empower our listeners.
A Seat at the Table5’s 2nd Episode.
We’re back like we never left and we considered all the advice that you all gave us. We have a short episode, cut the fluff, and are still working on perfecting the sound quality! This episode, in honor of February being the month of love, were starting off right where we left...talking about relationships! This episode find out who’s relationship startups has changed, our relationship goals and non-negotioables, how the singles at the table feel about Valentine’s Day, how important appearance is to the ladies, what we feel about “emotional men” and more! We’ll make you laugh this episode, say a couple of “Amen”s, and get a little saucy! Thanks for having us back! We love y’all.
Feb 14, 2021
40 min
Hi. Welcome to A Seat at the Table!
Meet the ladies at the table and quickly discuss #whoshotmeg and Evanston's reparations program with Keeping it current with CeCe, Through Jas's "lose your seat" segment find out who cried because they couldn't grow boobs and who wants a relationship but isn't mentally prepared. Discover which of the ladies are single, in a relationship, or entangled with this episode's topic- relationships! Learn about a new segment that we hope to feature soon, Table Tea with Tee. Hear about K and J creations, through the black business segment with Jania and finish up with some Sweet Tea with Kristina, where she shares the inspirational quote of the podcast.  Send in your Table Tea  email:[email protected] IG:ASeatAtTheTable5 Twitter: ASATT2020 Black Business of the Podcast IG:KandJcreations1
Jul 17, 2020
1 hr 8 min