A Million Dreams Podcast Podcast

A Million Dreams Podcast

Nolan Nichols
Unleash your dreams by learning from others through conversations of topics that will encourage and inspire you to take the next step forward.
The Next Right Thing
Sometimes people know what their dreams are at a very early age. For most of us, we figure out our dreams along the way by simply focusing on the next right thing. As Referenced in the Episode: To give money to help Louise get home to England this summer after not seeing her family in 2 years, you can go to this link gf.me/u/zkt3nm
Mar 8, 2021
31 min
Taking Calculated Risks
Making big life decisions can be risky. But when you take a look at people that have the courage to take risks, what you find is that those people play it safer than you think & that is what enables them to take the risk. In this episode, we interview J.P. Kelley about the risk he took in his career.
Feb 1, 2021
22 min
Welcome to the A Million Dreams Podcast!
As you follow your dreams, let's listen to those who might have experienced the same things you're going through.
Jan 24, 2021
1 min