A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time Podcast
A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time
VCR Privileges
Top of the 9th Inning - episode of A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time podcast

Top of the 9th Inning

1 seconds Posted Sep 18, 2020 at 3:49 pm.
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Show notes

Pete Mummert does not hold back on the hard-to-answer questions today. What did the leage mean to Dottie? Were we supposed to know Helen Haley was a doctor? How is adult Stillwell Angel handling all this? Why is Kit so late to the reunion? But, as you would expect from Indiana Jones Minute’s carbonite fever dream expert, he also brings some great possible answers. Tune in to hear all this and more, including real players, reunions, and real players’ reunions on screen. (Also, please note this is not actually the last episode. See you next week for the bottom of the 9th!)

Music by Josh Kantor (@jtkantor on Twitter)

Special thanks to Blake Reilly (@reilly21106 on Twitter)

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