Rockford has made it to the World Series and James Anderson has made it to our podcast. Everyone is here in Racine for Game 7 from Doris’s dad to Dottie Hinson—hey wait a minute! That’s right: Dottie is back and she is in full Terminator mode. We have so much to cover today from real on-screen injuries to the unfairness of Alice being benched, from Mae taking her place as leader to whether Kit ever went home again. Bob, bears, betrayal, Stillwell, signal ignoring, steak dinners, cut off men, and finally that infamous collision! James, Rachel, and Tierney debate how this movie could have ended and enjoy our last moments of the film in 1943. Bring your tissues because somebody will walk out of here champions and somebody else will just walk out of here.
Music by Josh Kantor (@jtkantor on Twitter)
Special thanks to George Hendricks (@georgeh4 on Instagram)
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