A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time Podcast
A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time
VCR Privileges
Bottom of the 7th Inning - episode of A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time podcast

Bottom of the 7th Inning

1 seconds Posted Aug 28, 2020 at 3:52 pm.
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Show notes

Erica Ayala writes about women in sports, studies leadership roles, and played Division One softball—which is to say that we’re lucky to have her on today to talk about A League of Their Own. Together we analyze the different roles (and all their associated expectations) that these players faced, and we develop some headcannon about Bob. As a former catcher, Erica brings expert insight into Dottie Hinson, but she also sees right into Kit Keller’s motivations as well. Don’t go 1000% in 100% the wrong direction: listen to this latest episode!

7th Inning Stretch by Josh Kantor (@jtkantor on Twitter)

Music by Christopher Dennis di Guardia (@sportattentionspanpiano on Instagram)

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