A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time Podcast
A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time
VCR Privileges
Bottom of the 6th Inning - episode of A League of Their Own: One Inning at a Time podcast

Bottom of the 6th Inning

1 seconds Posted Aug 14, 2020 at 3:58 pm.
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CeCe Pleasants joins the show to help us answer several powerful questions: Is there such a thing as a perfect baseball movie? What makes a gal an All-American? (And how that has changed since the 1940s!) What makes a Coke so powerful? How is Tom Hanks so good? Is Dottie the best big sister ever? Sit back and enjoy as today we dive deep into Dottie’s motivations throughout the movie.

Music by Christopher Dennis di Guardia (@sportattentionspanpiano on Instagram)

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