Pathfinder Podcast
TrekMate Family
Pathfinder Episode 4 – The First Voyage of the Eros P2 - episode of Pathfinder podcast

Pathfinder Episode 4 – The First Voyage of the Eros P2

29 minutes Posted Jun 30, 2014 at 9:19 am.
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Show notes

Deep Space Nine has received the first mission log from The USS Eros. The only problem is, this ship went missing 137 years ago! The USS Pathfinder and here crew are tasked with finding out what has happened to the Eros.  But after arriving at the region of space the signal has come from they hear explosions on the hull of the ship.

What is happening outside the Pathfinder?

Will the crew find out what happened to the Eros?

Will Lieutenant Radlova and Dr Mark create the perfect man!?

Can they close down the wormhole before more ships are lost?

And what will Commander Riker’s role be in all off this?

Join, Captain Firbob, Commander Banik, Lieutenant Commander S’Nark, Dr Mark, Chief Engineer Stout, Lieutenant Wesson, Lieutenant Zethroid and Lieutenant Radlova to find out.


Captain Firbob – Paul Wright

Commander Antibe Banik – Geno Younger

Commander William T Riker – Geno Younger

Lieutenant Commander S’Nark – Matt Hansen

Lieutenant Wesson – Ben McCulloch

Lieutenant Zethroid – Dominic Wright

Commander Robert “Bobby” Stout – Paul Finch

Captain Picard – Paul Finch

Dr Melissa Mark – Melissa

Lieutenant Lisa Radlaova – Sina Alvarardo

Computer Voice – Emma Finch

Counsellor Nova Traginous – Emma Finch

Commodore Bird – Marc Stamper

Ensign Fez – Michael Sedunary

Guest Star

James Roberts as Himself