Pathfinder Podcast
TrekMate Family
PathFinder Episode 0 – The Launch of a New Vessel - episode of Pathfinder podcast

PathFinder Episode 0 – The Launch of a New Vessel

11 minutes Posted Feb 10, 2014 at 1:58 pm.
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Show notes

Just 3 weeks before the launch of the newest Starfleet vessel, Commander Firbob is recalled to Earth for a mysterious meeting with Admiral Janeway.


What could this mean for the Commander? Will he be part of the crew? Will he finally become Captain? Will we find out who invented the cartoon? All this and more will be revealed in Episode 0 of PATHFINDER.


The beginning title music for this episode was kindly created by the awesome professional musical genius that is Andy Nash. (This man has performed at the Formula One Grand Prix at Bahrain.) Check out his website at


The incidental music was provided by Ian Jeffs who along with his twin brother Jamie are half of the highly talented Twelve Clay Feet. (I have to say that as they are my cousins). Check them out at


The end titles are from The Secession Studios and you can find their excellent work at


Any feedback about the show can be left on the forum or on twitter @firbob1 or email: [email protected]


Thank you for downloading and listening.

