Astral Projection Podcast Podcast
Astral Projection Podcast
Ali Wylie
OBE with Hubby - episode of Astral Projection Podcast podcast

OBE with Hubby

3 minutes Posted Feb 25, 2024 at 12:38 pm.
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This OBE is a good example about how we can connect to others during OBEs. I had gone up to the attic to sleep at about 2am due to my husband’s snoring. In the early hours of the morning I had the following OBE.

I am out-of-body and fly through the window only to suddenly hear my husband come in the room telling me not to go off flying. It’s not the first time I’ve had this sort of experience. Anyway as I hover outside the window I tell him that it’s perfectly fine why doesn’t he try it too. I go back into the room and take his hands so I am facing him outstretched arms holding both hands. I tell him to jump up in the air and that he will float so he does, then I persuade him to fly out the window with me, so we do, all the time in the same position, me in front of him holding his outstretched hands. I say, ‘There that’s not so bad is it?’ Then I say, ‘Make sure you remember this in the morning,’ I keep emphasizing, ‘Remember this in the morning.’

So in the morning while having breakfast I asked him if he had any dreams the night before, then he suddenly became enthusiastic as he recounted a dream he had. The outline of the dream is this, he was shopping for an anti-gravity device which would enable him to fly, he found one in a shop and bought it at a bargain price. The device consisted of a piece of wood that you held out in front using both hands. As he demonstrated the position I saw that it was the same one as we had used in my OBE, he said he used the device first to float then to fly.

So his mind had interpreted our flying OBE into a dream about an anti-gravity device, I’ve been called a lot of things but an anti-gravity device is a new one lol. Well I suppose Ali does mean wings in Italian.

This is not the first time I have met my husband out-of-body but it is the first time he has actually remembered something similar to what happened. Often I am usually flying off out of the house trying to persuade him that he can fly too.

This experience has implications also regarding how we can help people even when we are asleep, and I’m not talking about helping people have out-of-body experiences but rather by giving people support. Of course, with family the connection is very strong so probably it is easier to have an influence, same with close friends, however, this doesn’t mean helping others is not impossible, given that we have their permission. The best way when out-of-body is to ask your higher self the best way to help someone with whatever problem they have, you may get shown something in a kind of vision, who knows if your higher self considers it appropriate you may even have an encounter like I did with my husband where he brought it all back as a dream. This is one reason why we must not discount dreams as not very important, we may get messages from our guides through them, even loved ones on the other side, who knows someone somewhere might be trying to teach us to fly.