Astral Projection Podcast Podcast
Astral Projection Podcast
Ali Wylie
The Depth Within - episode of Astral Projection Podcast podcast

The Depth Within

4 minutes Posted Feb 5, 2024 at 4:12 pm.
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From May 2016

I just love that OBE feeling, detaching from the physical is great way to get rid of stress. I become conscious after the exit, as sometimes happens, and I’m flying down the road in our neighbourhood. I look down at what I’m wearing and for some reason I’m dressed in a short black jacket and I’m carrying a wooden chair, both the jacket and the chair are heavy so I throw down the chair and take off the jacket. I think these items are symbolic of something weighing me down in the physical.

Anyway once those items are discarded I become lighter, I am so happy to be OBE and experience the lightness that comes with detachment from the physical. I’m a bit too exhuberant so I calm myself down as too much emotion in the astral can cut short an experience. Checking out local areas has never interested me and I hadn’t set any intentions before sleeping which is a shame as I could have tried healing my knee, I have been experiencing some mild pain there lately.

I let my higher self decide for me and it gets dark, not scary dark though, I fly very quickly just above some trees, the trees seem familiar from other experiences, it starts to get lighter and I see a young man with red hair walking on a mountainside, he’s on a trekking expedition to the top of the mountain. I stop and go up to him, he’s enjoying his walk, at the top of the mountain there’s a castle with a tremendous view. I tell him that I would have loved to accompany him but I’m out-of-body and I know my time is limited, my alarm clock will go off soon and then I’d miss the view. I tell him I’ll fly up to the top.

So I fly up to the top of the mountain, go through a door into the castle, there are other people there, (no one is bothered by my flying, (in some places people are bothered by seeing someone flying and you have to tone yourself down a bit), I fly up to the highest point in the castle, I’m still inside, there’s a window through which I can see the sea, I always like views over the sea but a lady tells me that is not the spectacular view to be experienced. I then realise that the view is inside the castle and as I look down what I see is truly breathtaking but not visually, it’s breathtaking in its depth and ‘enormity of feeling’, it reminds me of Koestler’s description of what Freud calls ‘oceanic feeling’: (though this expression was originally coined by Romain Rolland).

“that expansion of awareness which one experiences on occasion in an empty cathedral when eternity is looking through the window of time, and in which the self seems to dissolve like a grain of salt in a lot of water.”

Aware that my alarm clock will be going off soon I leave the castle, to get out I have to go through a kind of TV screen, then through another door, others are entering as I leave. At this point I check in with my higher self to see if I can help out anywhere but it isn’t meant to be. I stay where I am, it’s truely a lovely place, different styled houses and each ecologically friendly, information enters my mind that this is where sustainable housing, farming etc is developed for the Earth before arriving as a physical concept. I receive the impression that I am looking at ideas from Earth’s future as seen from my present point as Ali Wylie on my timeline.

I see a celebration going on with lots of different kinds of food carried in different containers, there’s lots of colour and happiness, they are celebrating how they have found the solution to food problems on the Earth, now everyone will have enough good healthy food.

I think the spectacular view within the castle is showing how the beauty and depth we carry inside is so much more meaningful than anything we may see or experience on the outside, in our exterior worlds, this of course is nothing new in spiritual circles, but these reminders are sometimes necessary to keep us on the right path.

Happy travels!