On the final Double Down Film Show of the Fall 2011 semester we’ll be rapping with comedian Issa Rae, who is the Writer/Director and Star of the popular web series, Awkward Black Girl. Issa’s series chronicles the comedic everyday social misadventures of a young woman that doesn’t quite fit in...anywhere. -How should you use social media to ENGAGE your audience? -How did their KICKSTARTER campaign raise $56,000 in a month? -What are studio executives looking for on the WEB? -What is the advantage of KEEPING a show on the web? -Why have audiences been so RESPONSIVE to the show? We’ll elicit the answers to these questions and more on this Season 6 finale of The Double Down Film Show, plus we’ll give out some more free info from new The Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Video Guide and answer your questions on the air. By filmmakers. For filmmakers. Nothing but real-world case studies and practical wisdom to help you build a filmmaking career.
Dec 8, 2011
1 hr
One of the things we pride ourselves on with this show is that we talk to tomorrow’s indie filmmaker’s today, such is the case with one of our early guests, Writer/Director – Alrick Brown, who’s back to discuss the incredible rise of his first indie feature, Kinyarwanda, an intense and moving drama about the people affected by the Rwandan genocide… Notably the film was shot entirely on location in Rwanda with a cast of all Rwandans and Africans, won the 2011 World Cinema Audience Award at Sundance and is now being distributed by Ava DuVernay’s outfit A.F.F.R.M. (African-American Film Festival Releasing Movement). - How did his team successfully market this NON-COMMERCIAL film? - WHO should be going to film festival with you and what do they do? - How did an UNDERGRAD film student come to EDIT this indie hit? - What festival STRATEGIES did his team deploy to push the film? - How can you manage the HYPE that comes with attention? We’ll drill Alrick on the answers to all these questions and more. Plus, we’ll also be sharing some of our exclusive tips and advice for video freelancers from the all-new Shut Up and Shoot Freelance Video Guide – now available for pre-orders at DownAndDirtyDV.com. It’s not even hitting the shelves for another 2 weeks, but we’re gonna drop some for your ears only on the very next Double Down Film Show. Some say that, “the game is to be sold, not told”, but we don’t care. We’re giving away the film game for free every Wednesday night at 9pm EST. Get a piece while it’s hot, baby!
Dec 1, 2011
59 min
On our 80th epic episode of The Double Down Film Show we’re gonna run through the unique journey of self-taught Writer/Director, Matthew Cherry. In the span of just a few years Matthew went from NFL Player for the Jacksonville Jaquars to Production Assistant to directing his first feature film, the new football drama The Last Fall, which features some major Hollywood talent including Keith David, Nicole Beharie and Lance Gross… - How can you get to the director’s chair if you DIDN’T go to film school? - What genre affords you a good opportunity to learn the craft QUICKLY? - What did Matthew do to help his script CIRCULATE among major actors? - How can what you DON’T know work to your advantage? - What does he wish someone would’ve told him BEFORE he started? We’ll reveal the answers to all these questions and more on the very next Double Down Film Show as we walk you through the real-life journey of a first time feature film director – just like you. There are many paths to a successful career in the industry…and we share them all every Wednesday night at 9pm E.S.T. By filmmakers for filmmakers. No B.S. Just real-world case-studies and advice.
Nov 17, 2011
1 hr
On the next episode of the Double Down Film Show multi-hyphenate actor/writer/producer/director Al Thompson of ValDean Entertainment will be breaking down the web series game and how actors and content creators can take charge of their own career and cut out the middle man. Al has been a featured actor in The Royal Tenenbaums, A Walk to Remember, Love Don’t Cost a Thing, The Cleveland Show and dozens of student films. As a writer/producer/director he’s created and starred in a slew of award-winning new web series including the comedies Johnny B. Homeless, Baby Daddy Memoirs, the drama Lenox Avenue and most-recently the sci-fi series Odessa. Some his web series have been picked up by Comedy Central, Atom.com and BET.What should you always have READY when your new project drops?? How should you launch a YouTube video so people actually WATCH IT? ?How can you make your project STAND OUT from the rest at a festival?? What ADVANTAGE do actors have crossing over to the director’s chair? ?How can NOT releasing your video online help you attract a distributor? Break out your pens and pads, cause this it’s going to be another chock-a-block wisdom-filled episode of advice from someone who’s been there and done that. Y’all know how we get down – No B.S. No pie-in-the-sky filmmaking fantasy. No airy fan-boy interviews. Nothing but the practical lessons, hard-won wisdom and strategy from fellow filmmakers hustling in the trenches. Every Wednesday night at 9pm E.S.T. or download us on iTunes at your convenience. Peep Al’s YouTube Channel:http://www.Youtube.com/AlThompsonInc
Nov 10, 2011
1 hr
It’s all about Production Workflow on the next Double Down Film Show. In another one of our special semi-annual keynote addresses, we’re going to walk you through all the physical steps of production from load-in to returning the equipment and share with you all of our insights, practical tips and the production practices that we only learned the hard way. When should you RESERVE equipment?What should you always get BEFORE you start shooting?What’s the FIRST THING that should be ready when the crew arrives?How should crew and talent call times be SCHEDULED? When should you REHEARSE camera, blocking, lines or everything? Grab your pen and pad as the answers to all these questions and more purely practical filmmaking advice and wisdom are dispensed sans B.S. on the next educational episode of the Double Down Film Show. Listen and learn, baby!
Oct 27, 2011
1 hr