Local Trash Podcast

Local Trash

Santiago Jaimes Jr.
The flagship show of theSilence In September and the pride of Snyder Texas... those may be stretched truths but your mom sucks dick for drugs so don’t judge. These are our ghost adventures sans the ghosts... or is it. That was weird. You know what else is weird, fuckin jackalopes man. Like what the hell. Antlers on a jack rabbit... get out of town bruh.
According To Jimmothy
It’s the return of the heart and soul of the show and the epic reveal of Ezra’s gay origins This episode is brought to you by El Chivo’s La Tiendita for more visit bit.ly/ElChivoShopWe’re sponsored by Seat Giant. Buy experiences not just tickets. Tickets available for any concert, show, and sporting event in Texas, where everything is bigger! Need tickets? Think Seat Giant and use promo code LOCALTRASH325 to save. You can reach us at [email protected] to visit us at nopleasedontpodcast.com/Local_Trash there you’ll find all our social media and the show it’s self as well as pics and tweets of the cast. Also you can send us direct questions via “The Box” nopleasedontpodcast.com/the-boxLocal Trash is part of Silence In September. Follow us on all social media and review us let us know what you think.
Apr 21, 2020
1 hr 13 min
Africans In Alaska
Our boy Tony named this one. We’re joined once again by new network mate Mitchel Howell from ClusterFck and 49th meal and we’re all going to hell now. Worse than last week, and last week we got blasphemous. This week we get ingent!This episode is brought to you by El Chivo’s La Tiendita for more visit bit.ly/ElChivoShopWe’re sponsored by Seat Giant. Buy experiences not just tickets. Tickets available for any concert, show, and sporting event in Texas, where everything is bigger! Need tickets? Think Seat Giant and use promo code LOCALTRASH325 to save. You can reach us at [email protected] more about ClusterFck go to www.nopleasedontpodcast.com/ClusterFck And for more on 49th meal visit www.nopleasedontpodcast.com/49th-mealRemember to visit us at nopleasedontpodcast.com/Local_Trash there you’ll find all our social media and the show it’s self as well as pics and tweets of the cast. Also you can send us direct questions via “The Box” nopleasedontpodcast.com/the-boxLocal Trash is part of Silence In September. Follow us on all social media and review us let us know what you think.
Apr 14, 2020
1 hr 16 min
The Bitch That Shut Down Rosa's In Lubbock
Previously recorded on March 21st. In a simpler time before the world spun even more out of control! We talked the pre apocalyptic corona virus and ranked the top 10 nickelodeon girls. We also touched on the weird 90’s edgy kid fetish with fecal matter. Remember Easter this year will be live from the Vatican on Facebook Live Hosted by Nick Cannon with a half time show performance by Pittbull! Don’t miss it or you’re going to hell. Please subscribe for more! New episodes every Tuesday!This episode is brought to you by El Chivo’s La Tiendita for more visit bit.ly/ElChivoShopWe’re sponsored by Seat Giant. Buy experiences not just tickets. Tickets available for any concert, show, and sporting event in Texas, where everything is bigger! Need tickets? Think Seat Giant and use promo code LOCALTRASH325 to save. You can reach us at [email protected] to visit us at nopleasedontpodcast.com/Local_Trash there you’ll find all our social media and the show it’s self as well as pics and tweets of the cast. Also you can send us direct questions via “The Box” nopleasedontpodcast.com/the-boxLocal Trash is part of Silence In September. Follow us on all social media and review us let us know what you think.
Apr 9, 2020
1 hr 13 min