10XTogether Podcast
Melinda Wittstock
The Myth of Work-Life Balance: Entrepreneurs Christy and Cody Burch on Juggling Business, Kids and Romance - episode of 10XTogether podcast

The Myth of Work-Life Balance: Entrepreneurs Christy and Cody Burch on Juggling Business, Kids and Romance

51 minutes Posted Feb 27, 2019 at 11:55 pm.
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Christy and Cody Burch have three young kids, two businesses and a lot to juggle. Cody is the creator of the One Hour Funnel and Christy is the founder of boutique event management company Your Branded Event.

Learn how they set out to build businesses that fit a flexible lifestyle with lots of travel and time with their kids, and why they are constantly reinventing themselves and their businesses.