Rolled Spine Podcasts
Rolled Spine Podcasts
Rolled Spine Podcasts
Martian Manhunter's 60th Anniversary Special Compilation
2 hour 8 minutes Posted Sep 28, 2016 at 10:00 pm.
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A brief overview of the Sleuth from Outer Space's history shapes a variety of interviews with comic creators and show business talents covering six decades of J'Onn J'Onzz, the Manhunter from Mars' career as an alternative to mainstream super-heroes, who nonetheless stands as a founding member of the world's greatest group of champions, the Justice League of America. Abridges three episodes of The Idol-Head of Diabolu Podcast, 15, 20 & 27, focusing on the talents who have loved and supported the Alien Atlas since 1955 as they appeared in exclusive interviews and others culled from across the internet.

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