The Marriage Podcast for Smart People
The Marriage Podcast for Smart People
Caleb & Verlynda Simonyi-Gindele
How Admiration Creates a Stable, Happy Marriage
23 minutes Posted Apr 4, 2018 at 4:00 am.
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Admiration, or feeling a deep sense of fondness and approval for someone, is an amazing force for good in any relationship, and marriages are no different. In fact, researchers have seen that the levels of admiration newlywed couples show towards each other, can predict whether the couples are still together six years later!

To get more admiration going in your marriage, you need to get better at noticing when your spouse needs your help, and then finding ways to meet their needs in a way that's worthy of admiration. This doesn't have to be a big grand gesture, in fact it normally works best in the little everyday stuff of married life.

So what are the benefits of admiration? And how can you get more of it in your marriage? Join us as we look into the powerful effects of admiration in marriage.