The Primal Kitchen Podcast
The Primal Kitchen Podcast
Mark Sisson & Morgan Zanotti
The Language of Microbial Culture: Explaining Prebiotics, Probiotics, Synbiotics and Postbiotics
12 minutes Posted May 2, 2017 at 12:00 pm.
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It’s no secret that it’s one of my favorite subjects—the burgeoning field of human gastrointestinal microbiology. I know…it’s easy to get caught up in the comparative excitement of it all.

The microbiota is familiar territory to most Primal types, but with time and research, we come to understand the nuances of the terrain a little better. New terms pop up. Novel discoveries grab our attention. Promising connections become apparent. It feels like a good day to go over a bit of the latest—to provide a little refresher for those who’ve joined us recently and most of all to offer some additional perspective on what we’re learning as studies branch into new depths. 

(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Tina Leaman)