Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Two True Freaks!
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Episode 345- Goodbye
I have things to do. I've put this off for far too long. I regret to announce this is the end. I'm going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye.
Nov 1, 2020
52 min
Episode 344- Horror Thoughts- Magnus Gravitates Toward A New Genre
In this week's adventure, Magnus talks about horror comics and the original plan for 2020 before the beer bug forced a lot of changes.
Oct 26, 2020
47 min
Episode 343- Apathy Spiral- Tomb Of Dracula #01
Gothic horror in the macabre Marvel manner! In this week's adventure, Magnus shines the spotlight on Tomb Of Dracula #01, a series that's long overdue for discussion and analysis. The audience for Tomb Of Dracula has always been fairly niche. And yet, there's no good reason for that considering how amazing this series in general and this issue in particular both are. So what more do you need to hear? Start listening right now before your descendant breaks into your house.
Oct 20, 2020
55 min
Episode 342- Shoot The S__t- Hanging Out With Scott Ryfun
In this week's adventures, Magnus is rejoined by Scott Ryfun of Dinner 4 Geeks fame for a Shoot The... Bull episode. Ryfun and Magnus talk about music. A lot of talk about music. And not much else, tbh. So what more do you need? Start listening right now before something or other.
Oct 12, 2020
2 hr 3 min
Episode 341- Maybe Halloween 07- Magnus Has A Hot Take On Halloween H20
In this week's slashing adventure, Magnus offers a look back at Halloween H20 and tosses out a hot take. Specifically, discussion about H20 as a retcon of what had come before. After that, it's time to crack open the feedback section and let some listeners have their say. So what else is there to say? Download the show right now before your long lost brother returns and tries to poke you with a knife.
Oct 5, 2020
1 hr 6 min
Episode 340- Prequel Reevaluation- Magnus Considers Novelizations And Music
In this week's adventure, Magnus takes a look back at the Star Wars prequels, especially Revenge Of The Sith. The spotlight falls on the Episode III novelization and the prequel film scores in general. Much to be said there. Usually, more hype and click-bait would follow right here but who has time anymore? Start listening now before a bunch of Jedi Masters crash into your office and try arresting you.
Sep 27, 2020
1 hr 6 min
Episode 339- The Books Of Kalmbach- Magnus Receives A Few New Goodies
In this week's adventure, it's another unboxing episode as Magnus takes a gander at the latest items sent by Mark Kalmbach. What might this week's goodies include? Is there any chance it has something to do with Tolkien? Hint: This episode is part of the Radio Free Isengard. So that should be kind of a tipoff right there. After that, it's time to check out some more listener feedback!
Sep 21, 2020
55 min
Episode 338- Gigantic Beer-Bellied Redneck Dude- Cyberfrog- Amphibionix
In this week's adventure, a sleep-deprived Magnus flips through Amphibionix, a reissue of an old Cyberfrog comic from the 90's. These days, Cyberfrog is actually a pretty well-developed sci-fi concept. But back in the 90's... less so. After that, it's time for some listener feedback. So what else is there to say? Start listening right now before mutant insects attack you.
Sep 15, 2020
1 hr 14 min
Episode 337- McFarlane's Unofficial Blog- Wizard #27
In this week's adventure, Magnus goes back to the well by taking a look at Wizard #27. This will probably be the last issue of Wizard on TMPR for quite a while. So enjoy it while you can. This time out, Magnus talks at considerable length about a Dan Jurgens interview, the Superman/Doomsday miniseries, a bit of WildC.A.T.s, general Jim Lee chit-chat and so much more. Weren't the nineties awesome? So what more do you need to hear? Start listening now before, who knows, maybe Dan Jurgens and Jim Lee show up at your house to demand the money that you owe them.
Sep 8, 2020
1 hr 26 min
Episode 336- The Scholar- (The Horror Of) Dracula
In this week's adventure, mighty Magnus teams up with daring Dave Atteberry to yammer about The Curse Of Dracula. Or, just plain "Dracula" as it's known in some territories. Such as the United States, for example. This was the first time watching the movie for one of the participants so there is a newness to this film to liven up the conversation. Of course, the inevitable question is just how faithful an adaptation of the book this film really is. AND THE ANSWER WILL SHOCK AND CONFUSE YOU! Or, y'know, maybe it won't, whatever.
Sep 1, 2020
1 hr 2 min
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