Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews
Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews
Mike Matthews
Book Club: My Top 5 Takeaways from The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
15 minutes Posted Oct 13, 2017 at 2:59 am.
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If you haven’t read much in the way of self-help/personal development and want to learn some simple but powerful lessons on optimism, positivity, goal setting, and creativity, then you want to read this book.

There are two distinct types of self-help books: the analytical, “left-brain” books that offer science-based actions and formulas for betterment, and the whimsical, “right-brain” books that are more like fireside chats with wise old mentors who have illuminating experiences and stories to share.

This book is the latter, and one of the better ones of this type that I’ve read (and I tend to not like these types of books).

I don’t want to oversell it and put your expectations too high, but I’m recommending it because quite a few of its key ideas are spot-on and actually validated by science. Most of them probably qualify as common sense, but the same can be said of most things that make for good living.

The trick isn’t just understanding these ideas intellectually but internalizing and organizing our lives around them, the initial impetus to do this often comes down to timing and delivery.

You can come across an idea that, if accepted and acted upon, would completely change your life, but if you’re not ready to accept it or if it isn’t communicated persuasively enough, you won’t give it a second thought. On the other hand, if it’s communicated at just the right time and in just the right way, it can ring you like a bell and motivate you to get into action and transform your very being.

I can’t promise this book is going to do that for you, but it is a book that has that potential, and that’s why it has sold millions of copies and continues to top bestseller charts today.

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