Night Fright Show
Night Fright Show
Brent Holland
Praise from a Future Generation with John Kelin
1 hour 47 minutes Posted Jan 14, 2009 at 12:00 pm.
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The JFK assassination conspiracy resounds to today. The government’s investigation into the assassination resulted in The Warren Report. And its conclusion stated that there was no evidence of a conspiracy and indeed Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone. Long before the advent of databases, the internet and cell phones a grassroots movement erupted on the scene to challenge the Warren commission’s findings. John Kelin has a new book called: “Praise From A Future Generation” documenting the unexpected journey these early JFK researchers embarked upon. But first, to set the night, let’s listen to this clip. In the clip you’ll hear lawyer Mark Lane one of the first generation researchers. Mark Lane was a lawyer who was asked to represent Lee Harvey Oswald’s interests with the Warren Commission. Lane went on to interview witnesses to the assassination. What the witnesses revealed to Lane was either far different than what ended up in the Warren Commission. Lane then released a documentary in 1965 called “Rush To Judgment” just two years after the assassination on that November day 1963 . Rush to Judgment lit the country on fire. In it witnesses were recounting having heard or seeing the shots come from what we have come to know as the Grassy Knoll. In the clip I am about to play Mark Lane is interviewing SM Holland, no relation, SM Holland was situated on the train overpass directly in front the motorcade. He and several of his co-workers had ring side seats and great overview of the assassination. He and his co-workers all saw the same thing: come from the grassy knoll and believed the shot that killed Kennedy had originated from there. Tonight its the President John Kennedy assassination. Oh and by the way…All the rumors you have ever heard about the assassination...are true.