The Outlier Health Podcast
The Outlier Health Podcast
Matt Frazier, Matt Tullman, Isabelle Caputo, and Doug Hay
The Free-Time Formula with Jeff Sanders
1 hour 6 minutes Posted Apr 16, 2018 at 8:22 am.
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Life... it's stressful. Work, kids, school, training, dishes, they all pile up draining you of energy and time, until suddenly, you no longer have any free-time to yourself. Now, there are a lot of productivity gurus and self-help personalities pushing life-hacks and cheats to save 15 minutes here or free up a little time there, but rarely do they solve any of the lasting struggles overwhelming your day. Jeff Sanders, a good friend of NMA, has a different approach. You may remember Jeff from previous episodes of the podcast. He's the host of the 5AM Miracle, and has helped both Matt and I work on creating more productive, healthier morning routines. Today we're bringing him back on, not to focus on mornings, but instead to help us understand how to identify and uproot the real causes of the procrastination and stress in our lives, and how to free up time to do what we love. And to do that through the functional, real-life strategies -- not hacks -- outlined in his new book, The Free-Time Formula.