Coaching for Leaders
Coaching for Leaders
Dave Stachowiak
224: How to Lead Through Uncertainty and Change, with Jacqueline Farrington
39 minutes Posted Dec 20, 2015 at 8:00 pm.
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Jacqueline Farrington: Executive Coach
On this week’s show, Jacqueline Farrington teaches us how to lead through times of uncertainty and change. Jacqueline works with senior and board-level leaders. She specializes in helping executives create high-impact personal brands and communication strategies, with particular focus on cross-generational and cross-cultural communications.
Key Points
70% of all major organizational changes fail
20% of employees will support your change from the start
Book: First Break all the Rules* by Marcus Buckingham
People often have the perception that organizational change is about change management and not change leadership. The distinction is that while they both deliver change, change management is about the processes that we use. Change leadership is about the vision, creating a sense of urgency, and speaking to the hearts and minds of your employees.
—Jaqueline Ferrington

Generally, when an organization introduces change, 20% of employees will support the change. But the rest, 80%, are either fence-sitters or active resisters, and often leaders forget about that.
—Jaqueline Ferrington

Often, leaders look at their change champions, and think, “Ah, I don’t really have to pay attention to these people because they really believe in it, they’re driving it.” But if those people begin to feel ignored or that they aren’t being used to support the change, they can become highly disengaged.
—Jaqueline Ferrington

Leaders often approach change from their perspective, not from their followers’ perspective.
—Jaqueline Ferrington

Book: Your Brain at Work* by David Rock
Book: The Progress Principle* by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer
Book: Overcoming Immunity to Change* by Robert Kegan

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