The Recruiting Animal
The Recruiting Animal
Recruiting Animal
Holly Mallowes, Recruiter and Sourcer
1 hour 17 minutes Posted Apr 15, 2015 at 9:00 am.
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@HollySourceGuru -- LINKEDIN
I am just a passionate, hard-working, tenacious, chick with a low bullshit tolerance!
Mom of 7 kids (5 bio, 2 step), never went to college, started working at a staffing agency at age 19,
worked my way into a recruiting Mgr position by 21.
Turned corporate recruiter after 9/11. Learned ‘sourcing’ in 2009, went independent in 2010. I have been fortunate enough to work for / with @Shally Steckerl and he has become my mentor and coach.
Currently, I consult for various clients nationwide, train sourcers and have done several speaking engagements on sourcing. @HollySourceGuru -- LINKEDIN
I am just a passionate, hard-working, tenacious, chick with a low bullshit tolerance!
Mom of 7 kids (5 bio, 2 step), never went to college, started working at a staffing agency at age 19,
worked my way into a recruiting Mgr position by 21.
Turned corporate recruiter after 9/11. Learned ‘sourcing’ in 2009, went independent in 2010. I have been fortunate enough to work for / with @Shally Steckerl and he has become my mentor and coach.
Currently, I consult for various clients nationwide, train sourcers and have done several speaking engagements on sourcing.