Bloomberg Surveillance
Bloomberg Surveillance
Surveillance: Trump Is a Populist, Not Fascist, Ferguson Says
44 minutes Posted Nov 11, 2016 at 8:25 am.
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Tom Keene and David Gura talk to Niall Ferguson, a senior fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution, about the role of populism in Donald Trump's election. Then, Willem Buiter, the chief economist at Citi, discusses what the role of the Fed could be under President Trump. Then, Robert Sinche, a global strategist at Amherst Pierpont, says he's still looking for an overshoot in the Mexican peso. Also, Rich Greenfield, an analyst at BTIG, says ESPN's struggling to expand because viewers have an infinite number of other options to watch. Finally, Bret Baier, host of "Special Report" on Fox News, says the Republican party has no excuses to not get anything done.

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