Regulation Matters: a CLEAR conversation
Regulation Matters: a CLEAR conversation
Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation
Episode 12: Current Research Interests at the Professional Standards Authority
26 minutes Posted Jan 7, 2019 at 2:00 am.
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Douglas Bilton, Assistant Director of Standards and Policy with the Professional Standards Authority in the UK, shares current research interests at the PSA. He discusses PSA's goal of linking the academic world and the world of regulatory practice to encourage research that helps to establish professional regulation as an evidence-led area of public policy. Recent and current research topics include applying the concept of Counterproductive Work Behaviour to help understand why healthcare professionals sometimes don't follow standards, creating a risk calculator to advise on the right form of regulation or alternatives to regulation, and researching the idea of constructive distrust to determine what makes patients feel comfortable or inhibited about playing a part in their own care.

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