Eco-Warriors Podcast | Sustainability, Environmentalism, Conservation
Eco-Warriors Podcast | Sustainability, Environmentalism, Conservation
Barbara Lee | Environmentalist
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Environmental action funded by wine sales with Berlin Crystal Kelly @ Proud Pour
26 minutes Posted Dec 25, 2017 at 4:00 am.
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Berlin Crystal Kelly was working in finance in NYC when she was struck with the realization of how much money was spent on alcohol every night in one city alone. So, Berlin quit her job and started a wine company with one premise - for every bottle of sauvignon blanc sold, an organization would restore 100 wild oysters to the water. These hard working bivalves filter 3,000 liters of water every day and help restore the natural waters of New York harbor.

From there, Berlin expanded to pinot noir and wildflowers and has plans to help other keystone species. Berlin shares her experiences working the land and how she hopes to change the way people think about their relationship to the land.


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