Family Looking Up
Family Looking Up
Family Looking Up
Ep. 19. Porn-Proofing Your Kids - Guest Kristen Jenson, Founder of 'Protect Young Minds'.
1 hour 6 minutes Posted Mar 5, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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This week we are talking to Kristen Jenson.  Kristen is the author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of read-aloud books including the best-selling Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids. She is the founder of, a website dedicated to helping parents empower their kids to reject pornography. Recently, she was invited to testify before the Washington State Senate Law and Justice Committee on the public health crisis of pornography.  In this episode we address the important topic of educating our kids about pornography and giving them the important tools to deal with it when they find it.  Here is what we talked about:

  1. Why Kristen wrote her two books
  2. What things are discussed in Kristen’s books
  3. How to teach kids WHY we don’t look at pornography
  4. The importance of teaching kids how addictions work
  5. The appropriate age to start talking to your kids about pornography
  6. Why it’s important for parents to START the conversations with their children instead of waiting for children to come to them
  7. How having difficult conversations with your children can build your relationship with your child
  8. Whether its better to have a conversation about pornopraphy with the entire family, or as a private and special conversation
  9. The importance of ongoing conversations with your child and making the time for them
  10. Why connection with your child is one of the biggest factors in prevention
  11. How to create a safe place for your kids to talk to you
  12. The value of putting internet filters on devices
  13. When accountability software is useful
  14. How to help children build their own internal filters
  15. What accountability software is.
  16. The C.A.N.  D.O. Plan for kids to follow when they see pornography
  17. The difference between the “thinking brain” and the “feeling brain”
  18. Strategies for replacing bad thoughts
  19. How to teach your kids to empower their “thinking brain” to control their “feeling brain”
  20. The changes that occur in a brain of a person with an addiction

Mom Squad Challenge: 1.Talk to your kids and name their private parts using the anatomical names. Teach them that those parts are good parts, not shameful.  However, they are private and need to be kept private.  2. A. Give them a definition of what pornography is.  B. Help them understand that it’s dangerous and why. and C. Give them a plan.