Pat Gray Unleashed
Pat Gray Unleashed
Blaze Podcast Network
UK Melting Down, Filmmaker Fall Guy & Dems 2020 - 4/25/18
2 hour 25 minutes Posted Apr 25, 2018 at 2:22 pm.
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Show notes

Hour 1:

Great Britain is (once again) engaged in state-sponsored murder through their healthcare system …Baby Alfie Evans might not survive, but the family had the means and support to seek alternative treatment …Migrant caravan arrives at the U.S. border and media coverage drops accordingly …Conflicting statements from ICE and Amnesty International …Creator of “Schoolhouse Rock” dies – Let’s honor him by re-living some of the fond memories he provided …Hate crimes are rampant in Great Britain, but not the ones you’re thinking of …Armed robber in Monterrey, Mexico is disarmed and subdued by a trio of brave citizens …ICE statistics show that the vast majority of the illegals they arrest in New York have criminal records.

Hour 2:

Re-examining the Democratic field for 2020, which may now be 50(!) individuals deep …Should the GOP really be worried if Kamala Harris is the most professional Democratic candidate available? …Could Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson really run for President? …What percentage of Americans still believe in God? What about those who simply believe in a “higher power”? …Penn State Outing Club can no longer go on outings – Huh? …Avengers: Infinity War stands to be one of the biggest films of all time …Why did Shania Twain bother backtracking on her mildly pro-Trump comments? …New York establishes task force to stamp out the scourge of single-use plastic bags.

Hour 3:

Impact of climate change projected to be 30-45 percent less severe than previously thought …Stoneman Douglas High School freshman struggles to make it through a full day – What options does she have? …Mitt Romney does not have to endorse Donald Trump in return for the endorsement he received …Author Brad Thor says he will run against Trump as a conservative in 2020 if no one else takes a stand …In which state are you most likely to have a UFO sighting? Where are you out of luck in that regard? …Bitcoin mining operations doing more harm than good with enormous energy consumption …MSNBC’s Chris Hayes traps Maxine Waters with her own words about James Comey …The origins of Earth Day are quite different from what climate change activists would lead you to believe.

Tune in to "Pat Gray Unleashed" weekdays from 12-3p.m. ET on TheBlaze TV!

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