Nursing Uncensored
Nursing Uncensored
Adrianne Behning
Night Shift Breakfast: A Ritual
1 hour Posted Sep 4, 2017 at 2:13 am.
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Most night shift nurses will tell you that post-shift breakfast with their team is a cathartic, often-necessary experience - an opportunity to decompress, vent a little, fill your empty belly before heading home. With the right crew, it can be the best part of the work week.

The MRC crew talks about what Nightshift Breakfast means to them and why it's such a right of passage for 3rd shifters. Adrianne explains to Andrew that "gravy was never sexy", there's talk of pop songs, snorting antilipemics, and then it all crashes to an end with a tale of Adrianne's first SICU float.

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