No Quit Living Podcast
No Quit Living Podcast
Christopher J. Wirth
NQL 051 - Christos Shepherd
27 minutes Posted Sep 13, 2017 at 9:00 pm.
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Welcome to Episode 51 of the No Quit Living Podcast.

NQL is a personal development podcast designed to help listeners achieve their goals and desires. Through hearing the inspiring stories and tips from the greats, we will all find it easier to stay motivated and never quit.

Christos is a highly accomplished individual. He acquired his MBA from Stanford School of Business and has since put it to good use. Christos started an airline company, which was not an easy feat. He lost a big investor, and unfortunately had to break some promises to his employees as a result; however, he did not allow that to defeat him. Christos has a highly motivating entrepreneurial personality and turned his situation around and ultimately sold the company later down the road. He talks about the importance of surrounding yourself with good people and not letting outside influences prevent you from prevailing. Christos's newest business venture is his company called "Campfire," which allows anybody to ask questions to their favorite podcast hosts and celebrities and receive an audio message back from them directly. If you ask a good question, you get the opportunity to make money from it and also donate to charity.
