She Explores
She Explores
Ravel Media
38 minutes Posted Aug 23, 2017 at 2:42 am.
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Show notes

On the trail, is confidence good, bad, or something in between? We talk with Lisa Michelle, a woman who lost her hiking partner tragically while hiking solo. We discover how Lisa is able to reconcile still doing what she loves when there's risk involved.

Lisa doesn’t know the full details of her friend’s death (allegedly she fell while hiking in a foreign country), but she knows that her friend felt most confident (maybe too confident) in her hiking boots with a pack on. But is it OK for Lisa to still feel good about backpacking solo?

Read Lisa's essay at

Thanks to our sponsor, Oru Kayak.

Music is by Kai Engel, Evan Schaeffer, Soft & Furious, and Josh Woodward.