Girl Camper
Girl Camper
Janine Pettit
Jason Stevenson’s Rookie Hiking Mistakes
21 minutes Posted Sep 17, 2018 at 7:28 pm.
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On this weeks show I’m sharing Jason Stevenson’s Ten Hiking Blunders Beginners Make. Jason is the author of The Complete Idiots Guide to Backpacking and Hiking.Jason wrote the article for Backpacker Magazine.  I had a small problem with the altitude while hiking in Colorado this summer. While searching for tips on hiking in high altitude I came across this article with great advice. I made a few of these mistakes and was still making a few of them. I definitely had a limited First Aid Kit and needed to add a few things to it. How many of these mistakes have you made?
Top Ten Hiking Blunders as per Jason.
#1 Hiking in denim
#2 Buying your tent or sleeping bag at Walmart
#3 Hiking a trail with a road map
#4 Packing a first aid kit as if you’re landing on Omaha Beach
#5 Being overheard saying, “lightning can’t strike me – I’m not carrying anything metal.”
#6 Going ultra light without ultra experience.
#7 Wearing boots fresh from the box
#8 Starting too late in the day
#9 Ignoring the weather forecast
#10 Skimping on leave no trace