Mindfulness Mode
Mindfulness Mode
Bruce Langford
142 Accept Responsibility For Your Choices To Make Life Easier; Money Coach Deborah Williams
35 minutes Posted Sep 4, 2016 at 5:01 pm.
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Deborah Williams is a money coach, accountant and podcaster committed

to helping others where money meets mindset. She has a way of leading
her clients to a place of both prosperity and joy. Deborah grew up in a
home with addiction
and later married a man who was an alcoholic. In her 30’s she realized
how dysfunctional her life really was and she decided to make some
changes. Deborah has terrific insight into many aspects of life and
mindfulness is one of them.

Contact Info
Most Influential Person

Joe Somodi (Deb's Meditation Coach)

Effect on Emotions
  • Mindfulness has allowed me to stop being depressed and feeling sorry for myself and find the joy in my daily life.
Thoughts on Breathing
  • Breathing
    is the best way for you to stop and be mindful, in my book. You are
    about to do something that you are later, going to wish you didn't do.
    And when you stop and take that deep breath, it gives you a chance to
    collect your thoughts and be mindful of how this could play out if you
    don't handle it the way you should or walk away when the time is
Suggested Resources
Advice for Newbie


Productivity Leader Nick Snapp would say, You have to start small, you
have to start in manageable bites of everything you're going to do
because you will get things accomplished. You have to really remind
yourself, be mindful of the need to have patience with yourself and be
kind to yourself while you go through these things. This is hard work,
but it's really worth it work.