USModernist Radio - Architecture You Love
USModernist Radio - Architecture You Love
George Smart
#50/NY Architecture and Design Film Festival 3: Sarah Howitt + Thatcher Bean
32 minutes Posted Feb 26, 2018 at 12:00 am.
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Covering topics from England to the Congo, today’s show features host George Smart and the stars, producers, and creators of the latest architecture documentaries, recorded in New York at the Architecture and Design Film Festival late last year. 

George’s first guest is Sarah Howitt, Producer and Director of Building Hope: The Maggie’s Centres, beautiful architect-designed facilities for patients with cancer and their families in the UK. Next, George is joined by Thatcher Bean, producer of Made in Ilima, which tracks the collective building process of a modern school and community center in Ilima, a town in a remote and ecologically sensitive region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.