Bonus Episode - Cyntoia Brown, 51-To-Life
45 minutes Posted Feb 1, 2018 at 6:00 am.
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February 1, 2018 / Colin reports on the case of Cyntoia Brown, who was given a life sentence in Tennessee as a 16 year-old.

Want to help Cyntoia Brown and make a difference?

If you live in TN, please contact your state reps and let them know you want an end to 51-To-Life.

If you don't live in TN but know people who do (or people who know people that live in TN) please have them listen to this episode and contact their reps.

Contact info for members of the TN House: http://www.capitol.tn.gov/house/members/

Contact info for members of the TN Senate: http://www.capitol.tn.gov/senate/members/

Episode scoring music by Animal Weapon and Blue Dot Sessions.

#undisclosed #cyntoiabrown