67: This is All Highly Subjective
1 hour 8 minutes Posted Dec 29, 2015 at 7:19 pm.
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Are you ready for... our first ever game of the year episode??!!!

Yeah, we’re just a little bit excited :D

After an amazing year of some absolutely incredible games, we made a list of 35 that we feel are the best of what mobile had to offer us. And from them we picked our Game of the Year, as well as some other winners in special categories we came up with.

Remember that as the title suggests, this is totally subjective. If these aren't your picks for the best mobile games of 2015, that's cool. But it doesn't make us wrong either ;-)

Please, please rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter and email us if you’ve played YMBAB more than Jessica, because you might well be a unicorn! ;)

Stuff we mentioned: