True Murder: The Most Shocking Killers
True Murder: The Most Shocking Killers
Dan Zupansky -
1 hour 25 minutes Posted Sep 12, 2012 at 6:00 pm.
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J. Tony Serra is the epitome of counter-cultural hero. He has spent his life defending society's marginalized citizens in the courtroom. His role in the Chol Soo Lee case was depicted in the film True Believer and he has gained national prominence for his closing argument techniques. He is a life-long tax resister who has spent time in federal prison in protest of what he percieves to be an unjust political and legal system. 
Tony Serra has been a criminal defense attorney for over 45 years. He has been involved with numerous high profile cases including the Black Panthers and the Hell's Angels. He is the reciepient of numerous awards including an ACLU Civil Liberties Award and Lawyer of the Year from the Criminal Trial Lawyers Association.
Recently he was incarcerated for federal taxes he decided not to offer a federal government he considers hostile to the poor, immigrants, Native Americans, and folks who enjoy a bit of inner transportation by means of forbidden substances. WALKING THE CIRCLE-PRISON CHRONICLES-J. Tony Serra