Eco-Warriors Podcast | Sustainability, Environmentalism, Conservation
Eco-Warriors Podcast | Sustainability, Environmentalism, Conservation
Barbara Lee | Environmentalist
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Minimalist zero waste living on the road with Cheryl Davies @ Yintuition
31 minutes Posted Nov 6, 2017 at 2:00 am.
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Show notes

Cheryl Davies was living what she thought was a great life - working in the textile industry, living in New York City, car, boyfriend - but something was off. Today, Cheryl is a licensed acupuncturist, lives a minimal life from her bicycle, and partakes in dumpster diving with her partner Rob Greenfield (the guy who wore all his trash in a specially designed trash suit for 30 days).

She doesn't even have a cell phone plan, so this interview was conducted while Cheryl was at the public library in Vancouver, Canada after Cheryl, Rob, and a group of Green Riders biked from Central Park to Vancouver in less than 90 days. There is something magical in the way Cheryl has discovered a new life and career after the one she thought she wanted where she was working in the fashion industry.

Cheryl proves that any amount of change is possible if you start small. Connect with Cheryl on Facebook, Instagram, and Acurhythms, the business she co-founded.


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