Through the Noise
Through the Noise
Ernesto Gluecksmann
#321 Why You Need a Podcast with Steven Valley of the United Motorcoach Association
51 minutes Posted Jan 7, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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The numbers are going up all the time and right now one in four Americans listen to podcasts. Even if you're one of the other three, it's time you start thinking about how podcasts can help you communicate with your current and potential members. Today's guest is Steven Valley, the CIO of the United Motorcoach Association, and they've recently launched a podcast to reach their diverse membership. Join us as we talk about the lessons they've learned along the way so you'll have an idea what mistakes to avoid and which strategies might be worth adopting. Like our show? Rate us on iTunes and get in touch if you have an organization you'd like to hear from or represent, we're always booking!