Things Above
Things Above
Apprentice Institute
13 minutes Posted Dec 11, 2018 at 1:53 pm.
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Is it possible for God to overcome our shame? In this episode of the Things Above podcast, James Bryan Smith tells the story of how the great Christian writer, Simone Weil, came to faith simply by reading a poem written by George Herbert, entitled “Love III.” Jim explains that there are certain ideas that we, as humans, believe about yourselves. Yet there are certain things God says that refute those ideas. For instance, we feel guilty because of sin, yet God still loves us. We feel unworthy before God, yet God determines and affirms our worth. We feel our shame is deserved, yet God’s Son bore our shame on the cross and invites us to experience and enjoy His goodness. So yes, it is possible for God to overcome our shame – when we embrace God’s love, affirmation and goodness.