The Writing University Podcast
The Writing University Podcast
The Writing University
Episode 130: Writing into (and out of) Trope, Cliche, and Abstraction - Anna Bruno
43 minutes Posted Jul 10, 2023 at 10:00 am.
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To borrow a cliche, let's go down the rabbit hole. But on the way down, let's observe the dirt, the worms, the twists, the darkness, the sacred and the profane. For a writing project, whether a short story or a novel, trope can be an entry point. Think: a locked room mystery, dark academia, a midlife crisis. Similarly, on the sentence level, cliche can be relatable and point the writer in the direction of deeper truth. Finally, identifying generic language and abstraction can guide revision. This session will draw from popular novels and explore how literary writers use character and voice to successfully subvert trope and cliche to create meaning.
Original lecture date: July 10, 2023