The Unmistakable Creative Podcast
The Unmistakable Creative Podcast
Srinivas Rao
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The Profound Impact of Growing up Off the Grid with Dean Kosage
47 minutes Posted Oct 4, 2016 at 5:00 pm.
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Anybody who has achieved in sports or in music or has traveled globally, anyone who has broken out of their social circle has realized there’s a whole big world out there. It gives you a certain amount of inner authority where you have the courage, when your social circle is dragging your down or not agreeing, it takes what I call Inner authority vs. Outer authority. Outer is authority is “what does the Bible say, what does the Quran say, what do my parents say, what does society say?” It’s always an “ism.” It’s always “I have a decision to make. Let me check with an outer authority to see what I should do” And there’s a lot of people who live that way right now. Inner authority is “I might check with an outer authority, but I’m going to make the decision myself and trust that my opinion is valuable.” – Dean Kosage

Dean Kosage has more than 16 years of professional experience and specializes in motivational speaking and life coaching. An entrepreneur at an early age, he owned a restaurant and online retail stores with affiliates worldwide. By age 23, he gained such success that he was able to retire and focus his attention on Kosage Motivation, Inc.

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