The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
Brooke McAlary
Support podcast
Slow Living and Social Media: Instagram
15 minutes Posted Oct 15, 2017 at 10:00 am.
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Show notes

In this second episode in the social media series, Brooke and Ben take on Instagram (Ben’s favourite social media channel!), and talk about how they make it work for them in their business as well as personally, while still living slowly .

First up they talk about the expectation that when you have a business online, you’re always accessible. Being mindful of social media use and setting boundaries around the amount of time spent on social media can feel like the opposite of all the business advice you read and hear. And that’s OK!

They discuss the evolving strategy for The Slow Home Podcast, with a dedicated Instagram on its way as their team grows. Brooke also shares some tips that she uses for managing her Instagram while still being present in everyday life. She rarely posts in real-time, and doesn’t post everyday (mainly because she thinks her life is too boring!). She also recommends that businesses prepare and schedule content where they can. As a self-employed person, it’s important to remember that social media is part of the job, and so it can be labelled as work and only done during work hours.

Lastly, Brooke and Ben talk about the dreaded comparisons that can happen when scrolling through Instagram. They challenge listeners to unfollow anyone that gives them that sinking feeling and see what happens. Instead, follow people who inspire and educate you, and who make you laugh (and keep an eye out for The Slow Home Instagram coming soon!).

Head over to for links to the previous social media episode and for the full blog.   


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