The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
Brooke McAlary
Support podcast
Slow Living and Social Media: Twitter
11 minutes Posted Oct 8, 2017 at 10:00 am.
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Quite often Brooke and Ben are asked about social media and slow living. That is, how have they managed to build a business that relies of social media to spread the word and build a community (namely Facebook, Twitter IG) without letting it encroach on their time. 

So rather than try to cram a lot of information in to one hostful answer they've decided to spend the next few Mondays talking through the various social media platforms they use, and the strategies they employ for each of them. 

Today it's Twitter, which has shifted a lot over the past couple of years. While both Brooke and Ben still use it personally and often rely on Twitter to keep on top of the news, it's become less central to their business. 

Twitter itself is now a bit of a "let's shout our opinions at each other" space and that's made it a far less enjoyable way to communicate with people. Plus, the changing vibe of Twitter means a lot of slow living folk are no longer hanging out there anyway, so letting it dry up has been a pretty easy choice for Brooke to make. 

They talk about the scheduling vs real-time posting question too, and why Twitter is the most political of the social media platforms for both Brooke and Ben. 

In short, it's not what it used to be over in Twitter Land, but if you're looking to follow interesting people, activists, news organisations etc, it can be a valuable place to spend time (maybe a limited time though?)

Head over to for all the links mentioned in today's episode and for the full blog post. 



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