The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
Brooke McAlary
Support podcast
Tsh Oxenreider on slow travel and why you're never really ready - SHP029
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Oct 7, 2015 at 10:00 am.
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Travel has been a part of my life for a really long time, so chatting with this week's guest, Tsh Oxenreider, was such a joy.

Tsh has just returned home after a year-long round the world trip with her husband and 3 kids and - not surprisingly - we spend a good chunk of today's episode talking about it.

We chat about the different types of long-term travel - both slow travel and ‘hurry up and see all the sights’ travel - as well as how to make it work with a family. We look at packing, toys and the things that surprised her most about being on the road for such a long time, and we also talk about the different parenting styles they encountered along the way.

Honestly, this episode gave Ben and I a big dose of itchy feet, so be warned that you may just find yourself perusing airline deals later today. (Not that we did anything of the sort, of course. Ahem.)


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And thanks so much for listening! xx

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