Selling Made Simple And Salesman Podcast
Selling Made Simple And Salesman Podcast
Sales Techniques: 4 Ways to Boost Your Income
10 minutes Posted Mar 8, 2024 at 1:16 am.
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Ever feel like your sales strategy hit a wall? You’re not alone. Many struggle with methods that just don’t cut it anymore, leaving you frustrated and questioning what’s missing.

But what if you could turn it all around? Today, we’re breaking down the ‘4 Rules of Sales’ that’ll transform your approach and skyrocket your results.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these insights are your key to unlocking a whole new level of success.

Rule One: Treat Sales Like a Game

Let’s start with the first rule of sales: Treat it like a game, not a chore.

Now, before you roll your eyes and think, “Games are for kids,” hear me out. What makes a game? Inputs, variable outcomes, and feedback loops.


Think about it. In a game, you make a move, see what happens, and adjust your strategy. Sales are the same.

In sales, your inputs are the calls you make, the emails you send, and the presentations you nail. These are your moves on the chessboard. But here’s where it gets interesting – not every move wins the game.

You’ll face rejections, and guess what?

That’s your feedback loop. It’s the game’s way of saying, “Try a different move.” And just like in any game, outcomes vary. Some deals are your bonus level, easy and rewarding, while others are that boss battle you prepare for, strategize, and maybe even struggle to conquer.

Now, think about this. What’s the real cost of losing a round in this game? Zero. Nada. Nobody’s getting hurt if your pitch doesn’t land.

No prospect is out there plotting revenge because your product didn’t dazzle them. The stakes might feel high, but in reality, you’re just playing a game where the worst outcome is a “no,” and the best? Well, that’s the big win, the high score, the dream house.

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about playing the game; it’s about mastering it. How? By understanding that success in sales, much like in any game, comes down to how well you play. Your tools are simply words and strategy.

Your reward? More than just bragging rights – think bigger, think a house with a view.

And remember, while you’re playing this game, you’re not alone. You’re competing, sure, but every player has their eye on the prize. And that’s what I’ll reveal in the the fourth rule of sales. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

For now, let’s focus on mastering the game in front of us. Because, at the end of the day, in the grand game of business, there’s room for just one winner.

So, as we gear up to reveal more rules of this game, think about how you’ve been playing so far. Have you been making moves without seeing them as part of a bigger strategy? Stay tuned, because we’re about to take this game to a whole new level.

Rule Two: You’re Not Selling a Product

Rolling into the second rule of sales, and this one’s a mind-bender: you’re not just selling a product; you’re selling a bridge.

Imagine for a second, your buyer’s living in their own version of reality, right? But it’s not where they dream of being. That’s their current reality.

Now, there’s this sparkling, shiny future they’ve got their eyes set on—that’s their future reality. And what are you offering? You’re the savvy guide handing them the map to cross from here to there. This is the Reality Gap Method in action.

It’s like you’re holding the key to a secret passage that leads them to their treasure chest of dreams. Every product, every service you sell, it’s not just an item or advice; it’s a ticket to their future. The whole economy’s running on this fuel—people chasing better realities.

So, when you’re talking to your potential buyers, it’s not about the specs of what you’re selling. It’s about painting that picture of where they could be and showing them how what you offer is the bridge to get there. Once they see that vision, selling becomes as easy as connecting the dots.

Remember how we talked about the game of sales? Think of this as unlocking a crucial level where you help players navigate from point A to B.

Rule Three: Get the Meeting

Jumping into the third rule of sales: the key to closing a sale is getting that meeting.

It’s all about the perfect blend of A, B, and C. A is your killer message, the one that turns heads. B, your ideal customer, exactly who needs to hear your pitch. And C, the timing, hitting them when they’re most receptive.

This is the essence of your strategy: Value Proposition, Ideal Customer Persona, and Trigger Event.

Prospecting is your initial test, a mix of guesswork and strategy, honing your approach as you learn. It’s about finding that sweet spot where your message, the right person, and the perfect time intersect, leading to that all-important meeting.

Once you’re in, it’s diagnosis time. Are these the right variables for your buyer? If not, it’s quick pivot time—tweak your message or find the real decision-maker.

Closing hinges on aligning your value proposition with the buyer’s needs, ensuring they’re the decision-maker, and pinpointing a trigger event that compels action now.

Hitting a snag? Reflect on these:

  • Is my message impactful?
  • Am I engaging with the decision-maker?
  • Is there an urgent reason for them to act?

Master these elements, and you’re not just playing the game—you’re strategizing for the win.

Rule Four: It’s a Zero Sum Game

Now to the fourth and final rule of sales, and it’s a game-changer: sales is a zero-sum game. Picture this—only one victor, no runner-ups, no consolation prizes.

In the cutthroat world of B2B sales, it’s win or go home.

But the truth is you don’t need to be a sales superhero; just being 1% better than the rest can clinch the deal. If your rivals are lagging, you’re already ahead.

The power’s in your hands.

Struggling against the competition?

Time to level up by that crucial 1%. That’s how you turn the tables and start winning big.

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