The Real Kathy Lee
The Real Kathy Lee
Kathy Lee
Special Replay: Creating Inviting Spaces in Your Homeschool with Your Little Ones
16 minutes Posted Jul 13, 2023 at 8:52 am.
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inviting spaces homeschool little ones podcasat the real kathy lee Special Replay | Creating Inviting Spaces for Your Homeschool for your Little Ones


When my sweet friend, Misty sent me a Marco Polo (a cool video app) asking my opinion on her child’s playroom, I thought it would be a good idea to share my thoughts with all of you on creating inviting spaces for your little ones!

Everyone is worthy of feeling as if they belong, especially our children and most definitely in their own home. Before you begin designing an inviting space for your children, I suggest you get on your hands and knees and crawl around your home. YEP, literally get on your hands and knees. Spaces look so different from a child’s eye level. Ask yourself, how do things look and feel from that level. Are there enough “small” areas for your children to work, play, discover and explore?


Work, An Element of Inviting Spaces in Your Homeschool

Children need small ways to contribute to the family. They need work. Create spaces for their belongings on their level. Have a drawer for their cups, plates, utensils, and special cooking items. Have a bucket with basic cleaning supplies and cloths. Place hooks low enough so that children can hang up their own coats. Creating good habits at a young age pay off.

Play, Building Relationships through Ideas

Children are meant to play. How easy is it to say YES to their ideas for play? Less is definitely more in this area. Children do not need 20 containers full of toys in a playroom. During the early years it is likely that everything that is in a container will end up dumped on the floor, all at once. Buy quality toys and items that inspire open-ended play. This is more engaging for the child. I suggest you keep it basic. Some quality blocks, some arts and crafts materials, something that inspires pretend play (dress up, kitchen, baby dolls, etc..) and a cozy corner with books. Put everything else in a large plastic bin and keep it for a month. During that month, move anything your child asks for into a different bin. Whatever is left in the original bin after a month, donate.

Discover and Explore, The Great Outdoors

Kids need permission to get outside in search of discovery and exploration. Do you have a space for them to do that? Do you have materials such as nature journals, pencils, binoculars, and bird/flower books to inspire them? Keeping these type of items handy will help you say yes!

Creating inviting spaces is worth the time and effort! Get down on your hands and knees and start crawling around your space today!


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