The Real Kathy Lee
The Real Kathy Lee
Kathy Lee
Lost and Found with Kendra Fletcher
19 minutes Posted Mar 3, 2018 at 5:13 am.
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Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace - with Kendra FletcherThe “right” homeschooling philosophy. The right brand of theology. The “right” meal-planning, home-managing, keep-it-all-together parenting. Kendra Fletcher, homeschooling mom of eight, had it all “right,” until it all fell apart. In the course of eighteen months, Kendra found her baby in a coma, ran over her five-year-old, and nearly lost her eight-year-old to a septic ruptured appendix. Lost and Found is the story of how God used those events to transform her family s self-righteous religion into freedom in Christ. Fletcher’s debut book is the gripping true story of how God used suffering to save her family from empty religion. As wave after wave of crisis hit, the Fletchers discovered that getting religion “right” wasn’t a good substitute for a living relationship with a loving God. Through their suffering, they learned about misplaced identities and false hope, and they threw themselves wholly into the arms of Jesus where they found the grace they needed. Fletcher, a well-known writer and conference speaker in Christian homeschooling circles, addresses the quiet legalism that so easily infiltrates Christian communities and exposes the dangers of focusing our hopes on the “right” ways of worship, work, and family life. More than a memoir, Lost and Found invites all of us to give up the things that hold us in bondage and find our value, worth, significance, hope, and identity in Christ alone. – AMAZON

Today’s episode was short, but extra sweet. The super cool mom of many, Kendra Fletcher agreed to be on the show to talk about life in the Fletcher house and her book, Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace and her travel plans this homeschool season.  I love what Kendra shared and am blown away by what she and her family had to go through during an 18-month period. I am grateful that she was willing to share her story with us in her book. We did end up cutting the episode short due to some technical issues, but I am thankful that I got to hear about her book. I got so excited that I decided to order TWO from Amazon, one for me and one to give away. Boom! 😉  If you are interested in getting that second copy of Kendra’s book, go leave a review on itunes or comment about the show on social media.

To learn more about Kendra, check out her website,

Next week is the first week of conference season… look forward to seeing you on the road soon!!!

Have a great week!!!

Thanks for listening. If you have topics you would like for me to discuss or people you would like to hear from, let me know. Just email me at or shoot me a message on social media.

Find a way to #sayyes today.

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Thank you to The Homegrown Preschooler for sponsoring this Podcast! Check out the blog post Kathy mentioned, Farmhouse Schoolhouse, to read more about A Year of Playing Skillfully.

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