The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio
The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio
Gene Steinberg
September 25, 2016 — Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden
2 hour 40 minutes Posted Sep 25, 2016 at 4:24 am.
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Gene and Chris welcome veteran UFO researchers Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden, author of "Fact, Fiction and Flying Saucers," which is subtitled, "The Truth Behind the Misinformation, Distortion, and Derision by Debunkers, Government Agencies, and Conspiracy Conmen." The book traces the origins of the government's ongoing conspiracy to debunk UFO sightings in order to hide the truth about the phenomenon. The book focuses on three of the most famous — or infamous — debunkers, astronomer Dr. Howard Menzel, aviation journalist Philip Klass, and Dr. Edward Condon, a nuclear physicist, and how they attempted to obscure the truth with casual dismissals of some of the most significant evidence.