The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio
The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio
Gene Steinberg
August 7, 2016 — Listeners Sue and Ufology, and Guest Co-host Micah Hanks
2 hour 40 minutes Posted Aug 7, 2016 at 4:28 am.
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Gene and guest co-host Micah Hanks, of The Gralien Report, present a listener roundtable featuring Sue and Ufology, two of our long-time Paracast forum regulars. The wide-ranging discussion includes the touchy issue of politics and UFOs, and why the two are often considered together, personal experiences with possible MIBs, Micah's extensive research into the legend of the Brown Mountain lights in the western part of North Carolina, and the controversy surrounding the Travis Walton contact case. The back-and-forth about the Walton case will cover the contradictory results of lie detector tests he took, and why some researchers have long been skeptical about the case.